Setting up Merchant Account

A merchant account allows business users to set up new Institutions or claim already existing ones in order to receive money. Merchant Accounts will allow you also to setup paychamp's payment method on your website.

How to setup Merchant Account

  • Visit
  • Click on Create a free account.
  • Provide a valid e-mail address and create a password.
  • Explore the Merchant panel by using the testing environment to check out our service.
  • To enable the option to receive donations, fill out the “Go Live Form”.
  • Provide valid information and send out the “Go Live Form” for verification.
  • Once your form is reviewed by PayChamp, you will receive an email confirming that your Merchant account is ready

How to set up an institution

Follow steps below only if you have already got acceptance on Go Live Forms.

  • Go to and login as a Merchant to your account.
  • Click on “Institutions” tab.
  • Click on “I want to add a new Institution”.
  • Fill out the form and submit.
  • Once the institution has been created, you then need to add Integrations in order to connect your account with payment providers:
  • Click on “Institutions”.
  • Click on “Add integration”.
  • Pick the best Integration for your institution. To use Institution, you need at least one Integration, but you can add up to 3 different payment methods.
  • Fill out the form with a valid Information regarding your Bank Account and submit.
  • and there you have it, a new institution